© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Wednesday 14 September 2011

Windows 8

Windows 8 looks awesome!
Watch the full developer conference here.

Not sure how Apple is going to beat that. I wanted to get a MacBook Air recently, but then I also heard about an even thinner netbook for Windows. So, no point liao. I seriously think Apple is in trouble now that Steve Jobs is gone. He has been the main driving force of their success. Only time can tell where they go next. Meanwhile, this year is looking good for Windows and Samsung. I think it would be wise for investors to buy their stocks soon.

I wanted to share something to the new viewers of my blog which I somehow forgot to say yesterday. I highly encourage comments on this blog. How do you comment? Click on the little link at the bottom of each post that says "0 comments", and start typing! That way it won't seem like I'm talking to myself all the time.

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