© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Rich Ass Kids

Ok by the end of this post, I'm probably gonna sound like a super noob swar-ku fella, who still has a lot to learn. But this is just an honest journal entry.

So I went to meet up some friends at Orchard today. Man, I haven't been there in ages. The place looks rather different now. Met up with Shaun and Jeff at 313@Somerset, which I honestly didn't know of it's existence, and we ate at The Hand Burger. The food was decent, and the service was good. Filipinos no less.

Also there was David, Jeffrey's friend. That kid is damn RICH. Seriously. I believe living in an apartment in Orchard area is enough to prove that. 'nuff said. So anyway, we went to his house for some mindless gaming and all. I didn't want to be impolite, but his dog was really trying to sniff me. An unfamiliar smell to his nose I guess, or maybe just my deo. Honestly, dogs scare the shit out of me. It's not just the fact that I'm afraid of the dog, but I'm afraid for the dog. It's true that I'm afraid I might get bitten and such... But if that were to happen, I WILL kill the dog. I can guarantee that. And that wouldn't be very nice.

What can I say, I'm a cat person. Just stick with cats and it's cool.

Ate at Food Republic for dinner. Stupid PRC man rip me off lor. The standard Chinese Vegetable Rice he charged me $8.80. WTF right?! I mean, I know 8 is Chinese lucky number, but also no need like that what... And the food tastes horrible too. Officially ban that place.


11 comments - Speak up!:

  1. Lol Scissors Cut Rice? ;)

  2. Huh? Dun really get it... XD

  3. the chinese rice stall u mentioned lo. isit scissors cut rice? lol.

  4. i stalked u. saw u buying. LOL JK. i zai, just know lo. ahhas.

  5. Ok. Orchard you more familiar anyways. lol.

  6. but not nice meh? got get their curry? curry nice. lol. i used to eat almost daily at work, but from the wisma branch.

  7. Average lor. Curry nice. But the Fish I ordered stiff like stone. Certainly not worth the price though. You still can eat daily sia.

  8. i duno y urs so ex tho =x i eat usually egg n meat only la. sometimes veg i think. abt $3+ to $4 lo haha.

  9. Ya! I still kept the receipt! D:

    1 Meat - $1.80
    1 Veg - $1.00
    1 SeaFd - $3.00
    1 Fried Rice - $3.00
    total swee swee $8.80

    Guess I shouldn't have ordered the fried rice. But still...

  10. chey no wonder, u get fried rice -.-


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