© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Tuesday 19 April 2011

- Out of Order -

Argh, I'm sick again! Feels really miserable.
As if I didn't have enough problems with revisions already. :(

Just lying on my bed, chilling to this song...

nice, relaxing, yet emo song... 

....at the same time trying to figure out sorting algorithms. -_-"

I realised that the QuickSort algorithm I submitted the other day is completely flawed. I think the only reason it worked is because they didn't test for more than 5 elements. After reading through various online sources (ok mainly wiki), I finally found the right way to do it. I think the lecturers need to reassess the way they think, for making something simple look so complicated... -.-

Or maybe different people understand things differently.

My studying has somewhat started, though efficiency is at minimum right now, because I'm sick. *coughcough*

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