© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Certificate of Awesomeness!!



I'm so happy I'm not even gonna tease or slow roll it at all.

I made it onto the Dean's List!! :)

It was just a random day where I'm minding my own business and doing mundane work stuff. Seriously, they haven't even started us on mobile development even though we only have 1 month+ to go. But anyway, I digress. Basically I was going about my stuff and preparing to knock off from work. Then out came a random email from NUS. It went a little something like this:


At first I thought it was another random spam mail from NUS that I get oh so often. I think I had to read it 2 or 3 times to realize what it meant. Then I was totally shocked and stunned. But that was soon replaced by an overwhelming feeling of achievement, happiness and satisfaction.

Seriously, you don't know how much this meant to me. I totally thought there was no way in the world I was gonna get it. In fact, I made up my mind to work hard to try and get it next semester. Little did I know I could get it now! BUT, that doesn't mean I'm not aiming to get it again next semester!!! :P

This is not just a mere certificate of awesomeness. It is in fact a validation of my determination and efforts; of the many great sacrifices I made along the way; of the pain and hardships I went through; of the sorrow and #foreveralone-ness; and of the exorbitant opportunity costs and "no-life"-ness, that were a prerequisite. I guess in the end... I exchanged one form of happiness for another. Oh well, at least this one I can keep forever.

But I'm really happy right now! So happy that:

I feel like dancin! Hahahaha


EDIT: Thanks to everyone who congratulated me! You guys are awesome too! :)

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