© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Monday, 18 April 2011

I wish everyday was Friday...

Not this Friday of course! Otherwise I'm screwed. I mean, any other Friday that doesn't have an exam the next morning! Somehow Friday feels like the best day of the week for me. It even beats Saturdays and Sundays! Weird right? I know. Funny thing is today is not even Friday! Friday is just the most carefree and happy day of my week.

And.... New song! :D

Happy song. Can't wait for new album!

This song is soooo much better than the Rebecca Black song that people have been talking about recently. That song is so bad that it doesn't even deserve a link on my blog. Go google it if you're interested. Suffice to say, it's just another butchering of music via autotuning. Bleh.

What's the other thing I wanted to say?
Oh yes, I should really be studying... The doomsday clock is already in motion. Yet, I can't seem to bring myself to go into full study mode. Those of you who know me, will know that at this time of the semester last year, I wouldn't even be online anymore...

I don't know. Maybe studying alone isn't as effective as it used to be. Studying in groups seems to be the new thing. I know of this friend who had a relatively amazing last semester, finishing with a CAP of 4.0, and he seems to be doing quite well this semester too. I strongly feel that it has something to do with his connections to a wide range of people, which allows him to tap on their knowledge and expertise.

It's like the concept of cloud computing and social networks you know? Dang it, if only I was more sociable...

Studying? Hmm....

/*// EDIT: Hey, if anybody wanna study together, I can join you all. Also, if you gonna consult lecturers, call me along. One person go, like quite weird...  */

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