© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Saturday 16 April 2011

Swimming in Atlantis~

Woots~ Holiday mode. Lol.

Yay, new album by F.I.R. is released! I happened to go to Popular Bookstore@nex today, so I thought I might go look for their CD. Either they are super inefficient or it's not released in Sg yet, coz it wasn't there. So, no choice went to download it online. I don't usually buy CDs, buy I definitely buy theirs, I have a collection of all their pass albums already, EPs excluded. This is probably a good time to insert the message: "Buy the CD, Support the band!"

Nah, I don't really buy that many CDs myself. I have thousands of songs. If I bought the CD for everything, my already messy room would be super full of stuff. Besides, the CDs for most of the bands I listen to aren't even available in Sg. Not at the common shops at least.

I should probably be studying... But CS2100 is soooo boring! I start falling asleep 10 mins after opening the book. Cache.... -_- This is quite a serious problem, no motivation.

Anyway, about my assessment of the new CD. It sounds different from their early stuff from the early 2000s, and their new sound will take some getting used to. Though the musical style seems reminiscent of Evanescence.. But overall, meaningful lyrics plus good music plus great vocals make this album a hit, at least for me. 9/10!

Example of meaningful lyrics?

Rock on :P

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