© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Friday, 26 October 2012

Report Submitted

Finally submitted my report for IS3102.

It was a long and painful draggy process. And it really shouldn't have been that way. Unfortunately our report writers aren't up to scratch and can't really put together a good report, so everyone else had to come in to help them. I mean, I would have done the whole report if I could, but then who does the coding? Dunno then must ask lah. Be. More. Proactive.

Anyway... I didn't mean to complain about my team-mates here, but I was pretty stressed out 2 days ago about this report. I fear that we are just not good enough. We even missed out on the JUnit testing plan because the guy we asked to do it was too lazy to do it. Bye bye 15% bonus marks. And the writeup for the rest of the report also not say very high standards. Sloppy.

I mean, cannot like that lah. Everyone must put in their best effort right?
We're all in this together, like it or not.

Whatever, it's kind of over now anyway. I did what I could to save the report. Spent 2 sleepless nights on that thing. And if I hadn't pushed the team to do more on the screenshots and UI part, I think we could have at least kissed goodbye to another 10%++ marks. But thankfully I did. Organised the team to do the screenshots and writeups for our unique features, and the result actually looks quite alright.

I know I complain a lot, but after looking at the final edition that we submitted, it looks acceptable. Not really spectacular, but pretty acceptable. In terms of writeups and marketing our product, it's not really there yet. But in terms of diagrams and documentations, I think it should be passable. UI part is pretty good coz got my touch. Haha egoistic, not gonna deny that.

Anyway, here's some pictures I took of our hard work!

Damn! Check out that thickness! 

And.... Some random Ang Moh Zha Boh on the front cover... 

Last but not least, here's a small glimpse at our UI component!

Cool huh? :)

Nice right? Haha. I know this is leaking my group's "sensitive info" already. But I figured that with 3 weeks left to go, there's really not much you can steal from us here. Besides, we still got plenty more secrets up our sleeves  *wink wink*

Systems wise, I think we are alright. Report might be a little lacking. And that could cost us our 'A' grade. That's what I'm so upset about. Not that our system development is all smooth sailing though. I feel we still have much much more to go. So much more that I'm actually beginning to feel a little worried!


One milestone down, last one to go! Will have to slog my way through the remaining 3 weeks, and pray that it is all gonna be worth it in the end. Meanwhile, still have projects for other modules to settle. Sigh... But before that, gonna attend a birthday party tomorrow! Should be a nice break.

Taylor Swift's new album is out! Heard it yet?

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