© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Friday, 9 November 2012

So much for my happy ending

Clean & Build + Deploy = Got time to do some quick blogging!

Seriously. It is damn blooooody slooooow!!! Can't stand NetBeans. Sometimes it seems that Java is so powerful and nice in terms of the concept. But in reality, it is damn inefficient and requires super a lot of overheads! No wonder none of the banks will ever use it for micro-second transactions. Boo. 

Anyway, got a quick few seconds to make this post, so I shall be posting a song that is stuck in my head these few days. 

Can't believe people didn't know about Cassadee Pope before TheVoice competition. I mean, I thought she was pretty famous already. From Hey Monday, the band that sang Homecoming? Anyway, she has quite an awesome voice, and I've been listening to Hey Monday since Year 1, their first album. Used to walk and take bus from Harbourfront. Good times... Good times...

As good as it is though, I kinda still prefer the original. Can't beat the legendary Avril. Doesn't matter what she sings, it will be good no matter what. Miss the attitude she had when she was younger though.

Original song below. For those too young to remember.

A weird thought came to mind. 

If you had to choose between being an Arrogant Asshole who always gets what he wants, versus being a weak and spineless Wimp. Which would you choose to be? Assume that there are no in-betweens. 

Would be nice to receive some comments/advice, though I know I'd likely not receive any.


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