© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Monday 3 October 2011

TR2201 Case Study

My presentation slides for tomorrow (Click to download).
I like this template, it really gels well with the scrolling animation. If you look at the grey bar at the bottom during transitions, you will think that it scrolls up and docks at the top! Nice effect eh? lol

It's my first time presenting this year, albeit only 2 slides. I'm kinda nervous as I get stage fright super easily. Even being around people I don't really know can sometimes make me fidgety and self-conscious. Not sure what's wrong with me. *Phails*

Anyway, I realised I haven't talked alot about my team on this blog. I am privileged enough to get to work with a bunch of friendly people, they're a whole lot of fun. Three of them are from business and always seem to hang out together, but yet are still friendly enough to talk to me and the FASS guy. So that means our team is Business + Arts + Computing, we got a great diversity going on. Haha.

So, wish me all the best for tomorrow! Hope I don't totally bomb out. And if I do, hope the pretty slides and my teammates will be enough to save the day.  D:

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