© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Sunday 13 March 2011

Falling Sick

Dunno why also. Just randomly falling sick. Must be the late nights the past week. The proposal writing was very taxing. Next week still gotta prepare a short talk to present. Haiz, the most useless nonsense module I ever took. Ok lar better than IS1103, that one was pure crap fest. Though it's nice to have some modules that give those with a stronger command of the language an advantage over the rest. Otherwise those Ah Thiongs will be owning everyone all over the place already. Part of the reason I didn't go to CS stream. Whole life competing with Ah Thiongs and Ah Nehs, sibeh sian one.

Just downloaded the latest EP by Mayday Parade - Valdosta. It's mostly just acoustic versions of songs from their previous album. But there were 2 new songs. Like....

This is one of their new songs. The lyrics is quite interesting, it's a rather unique way of doing a song. It's like telling a story, the father is telling his story to his son, it even has an intro and an ending. And the ending is rather dramatic and emotional. I don't just like it because it's emo ok! It's actually quite nice! Beautifully done...

*Ah Chooo!* Damn, feel so sick.
I hope I recover soon. -_-"

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