© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Sunday 27 February 2011

Relax Day

Tried to study CS2100 yesterday and today.
Didn't get very far, lol. I did the IVLE self-assessment 2, and attempted to do assessment 3, but only ended up finishing half... Then went to play some DotA with friends. >.<

Went to SGH this morning to visit my grandma, she was hospitalised late last night. So we made our way down from Serangoon after my sis maths tuition. Hope she gets well soon.

And I got a project I'm supposed to submit on Wed, and I haven't started doing! I email the teacher, but no reply yet. zzZ

Ah what the heck.

Today has been a rather slack day sia.. Wasted another full day, not doing revisions.
Time is running out.

Why am I still awake? I'm still on Skype talking. lol.

Good night world.

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