© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Wednesday 9 February 2011

Birthday Boy!

I was considering whether to continue the style of the previous post and move on the "Chapter 2". But in the end, I felt that it was rather cliché. I was a nice, epic way to start off the first post, but gets boring after Chapter 255 etc. I also don't like to bind myself to a single style or format. Best to keep it freestyle.

Moving on....

Today is 9th February. It's my Birthday! Yay me!
Well, actually I've been told today is 人日. So it's actually also everyone's birthday!! Woohoo.
You can read more about it on Wiki. Which is somehow pronounced by my lecturer as Why-Key. Lol, funny guy. Good teacher though. I really understand it when he explains everything with his quirky but useful drawings and crazy whacky analogies, despite me not having a computer in front of me for hands on experience , as per last sem's teaching style. (Sectional Teaching)

My day started out rather uneventful. I woke up slightly late today (6+ am leh), but still had to get dressed in Business Attire (what I like to call the Monkey Suit) and all. Had to "dress appropriately" for a mock business meeting which was to be recorded on video and graded. So anyway, I was gonna end up slightly late which would violate the "arrive punctually" rule. Thankfully I arrived just on time by running up the steps from the behind Business block to Computing. But arrived hot and sweating. Stupid monkey suit!

The meeting was damn screwed up.

I mean seriously. Every one was quite conservative and quiet, so there wasn't a whole lot of opportunity to speak up and discuss ideas. I bet the long pause of silence in the middle is not gonna bode well for our grades. I treid consciously to voice out more, but still I feel I had not elaborated enough on my points. Could have been more specific and provided more evidence to support. Summed up in 2 words: Not Good. Yes, I got the video on my laptop. No don't ask me for it. Too embarassing, lol.

My afternoon was more interesting.

Met Julian and Ben on my way to CS2100 lecture. Wanted to print lecture notes for CS1020, but realised I had it in my file already. Turns out I should have printed the newer one as well, dang. Guess who showed up for lecture? Want to pon school, but end up never pon school. Surprise surprise, Jaslyn even bought me a cake for my birthday!

Here's what it looks like! :D

Nice BreadTalk box

Nice Cake

Small candle that stayed lit for all of 5 seconds...

Traditionally my birthdays of the past were all rather uneventful. I don't really do big or fanciful celebrations. It's usually just going out for dinner with my family, and a birthday cake. Nothing too special. Even for my 21st birthday, which everyone finds particularly special, was just lunch with a couple of friends. This is actually one of the first times someone, apart from my family, helped me celebrate my birthday. *touched* Dunno what to say so, Thank You! ^_^

So that was my day. It was kinda fun, apart from lectures. CS2100 is seriously a brain taxing module. The content is rather dry, and it doesn't help that alot of the stuff is "reading assignment". When I leave the lecture, my mind feels like jelly. CS1020 on the other hand is not too bad. The topic is quite abstract (ADT mah.. lol), but the lecturer is quite good. Whacky analogies about Harry Potter books and bookshelves make lectures more bearable. Of course, having a natural flair for programming helps. :P

Which reminds me, I got tons of stuff to do! This is one hectic week man. Meeting is finally over, tomorrow is sit-in lab for CS1020 and Lab for CS2100, friday is Math quiz. Brain shagged. Must be growing old.

gtg get back to work.


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