© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Tuesday 8 February 2011

Chapter One: Genesis

Welcome to my blog!  

Just kidding. This has nothing to do with Episode 1 of Heroes (Genesis). It is a rather apt title though. And the narration by Mohinder Suresh was pretty cool, I feel. Anyway, welcome again to my blog - Incomplete Perfexion. This is the first, of hopefully many posts. The official launch of my blog is supposed to coincide with my birthday (9 Feb), but this post might go up a day or 2 earlier, depending on what I'm doing.

Many of you reading this probably already know me. But for the occasional Googler who happened to find this blog by accident, I shall do a brief introduction. My name is Philson, currently a student in the National University of Singapore (NUS) pursuing a degree in Computing, and owner of this blog. I shall not delve into too much details about myself for now. But in the future I will be posting more posts labeled "About Myself", that will be about.... me. (duh!)

Why did I suddenly decide to start blogging? Well, I have attempted to maintain blogs in the past, but I didn't really update them much, and they all just died off. However around the end of last year, after reading some of my friends' blogs, I had gotten the sudden inspiration to start blogging again. And so I did! I started an anonymous blog for me to pour my heart out. But I realised it was filled with too much emo stuff and wasn't suitable for me to share. So I had an idea to start this one in order to balance out the negativity with some positivity (if that makes any sense). This non-anonymous blog also allows me to share more with people who know me. Because most of the time, the people who think they know me don't actually do. (You'll see)

And what better date to launch it than on my birthday right?

Ok, I know the name of the blog is rather lame. I didn't have much time to think up one (suggestions?). But nonetheless, it does have some significance and meaning, albeit not a really profound one. The main reason for the "Perfexion" part is due to the fact that the other URL was taken, but doubles in meaning that it is not quite perfect yet, even in terms of its spelling. I wanted to call the blog incomplete perfection because I strongly felt that way about myself and the way I view the world. While everyone feels they are "perfect" in their own way, in actual fact most of the time they are really seeking something more. Another missing piece to complete the puzzle. Whether they know it or not, that is the reason they live.

Doesn't make any sense? Doesn't matter too much now. Just an introduction.

What is this blog really for? As I mentioned earlier, I felt the need to share more about myself to let others understand me better. About my eccentric at times personality, why I do what I do, and what make me what I am, etc. As I am generally quiet and not very outspoken, this also serves as a platform for me to write about what I feel about certain things happening around me. And you get to read about them whether you were there or not.

What kinds of posts can you expect to see in the future? Virtually anything I guess. Whatever I feel like blogging about at the moment. I suppose generally speaking, there are a number of things you will get to see regularly. That is, a journal or dairy-like entry about my day and what happened as well as my thoughts on it. From time to time, I might post some Magic the Gathering videos / text articles because this is my only public blog. Occasionally, I may also do a Music Video post, where I post a youtube video with lyrics, of a song I was listening to. Because I felt the lyrics really meant something to me. So there is a little bit of stuff for the people who play Magic, but in general it is just a generic blog.

Frequency of posts? I really can't tell. It really has to depend on what I am doing at the moment. The University churns out lots of work for us on a regular basis. So I might not have time to do full length posts like these. I'll do my best to post daily though, with an "about my day" type post. Hopefully. No guarantees, but I'll try.

So that's about it for now. If you made it this far, I'm glad you took the trouble to painfully read through my monster chunk of text. My grammar may not be perfect at times, and you'll have to excuse my vocabulary which is downright atrocious. But that's how I like to keep this blog, as casual and friendly as possible, so screw formalities!

Lastly, I hope you all can subscribe and "follow" my blog if you have a Google / Blogger account. If you have your own blog, link to me! Just send me your address and I'll link back! Also, the occasional comments would be nice. At least it wouldn't seem like I'm just talking to myself, which would be rather sad.

Anyways, welcome once again to my blog - Incomplete Perfexion. I hope you at least enjoy some of the interesting / quirky things you might see on my blog,  and hopefully end up coming back for more!

Thanks for reading!


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