Wednesday, 11 July 2012
I'm Alive...
I hope.
It's been a hellish couple of days since I got back from Malaysia. First thing I got back, I went and chiong one IPT training, and the PTI there super garang one lor. We did a whole much of exercises with Medicine Balls and weights. So shack sia.
Before I knew it..... It was Sunday afternoon, and I woke up with a high fever. WTF?
Fever I thought still okay. If normal fever, I can handle no problem. But this one, take a few Panadol still haven't recover. Then there was also the immense stomach pains and diarrhea. Like, I dunno how it really feels, but the pain is probably equal to or worse that a girl's cramps. And I heard those were bad.
So... Either Malaysia food fucked me up bad, or I exercise until too hiong liao. LOL
Then, Monday morning go see Dr. KP Tan coz he is kind of famous. He charged me cheap, but he didn't give me Anti-Biotics leh. And worse, until today still not fully recovered. Sian. I was feeling so terrible that I really felt like I was dying.
And then..... I went and blew a ton of money today. Not worth mentioning, but long story short, it turns out that whenever I have a serious problem, I just need to make one trip to the hospital, step inside, and I'm all fine. Seeing the doctor is totally optional.
So basically, I'm feeling slightly better right now, but I will take tmr to rest as well, since covered by MC. A bit guilty of blowing off 1 week of internship, but hey, illness is not a choice of mine. I'd rather work any day.
I do have quite a few photos from Malaysia I'd like to upload. However I'm not really fit to be doing anything now. Will upload soon, I promise.
See y'all soon.
Damn, my tummy still hurtz... >_<
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