Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Beautiful Lyrics
So I hear there's a new Spiderman film?
Found this appropriate song while on Youtube.
I haven't watched the new Spiderman film, but personally dislike it already. Basically, the new spidey does not look nerd like enough to seem authentic. I mean that seriously! The basic background is that Peter Parker is a nerd turned superhero. And this new dude, whatever his name is, does not look the part.
It matters to me because to me, Spiderman was my favorite comic book hero since I was a small kid. He is the personification of so many things, and a beacon of hope for many people. I loved all the movies as they came out in my teens. I would wait 2 years for every new movie, coz it would always turn out awesome, coz the director and the cast were great.
In my mind, Tobey Maguire will always be the real Spidey.
I'm sorry, the new guy just doesn't cut it.
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