Tuesday, 27 September 2011
CS2102 Midterm
Oh wow, really? 2 post in the same day! I hardly even post 1 a day!
Nah, I just wanted to separate the CS2102 stuff from the post below. It doesn't really make sense to mash them up together under one title. The presentation and feel just doesn't gel you know?
Today was CS2102 midterm test. To be honest I felt like it was a lot easier than I expected. Knowing Bressan, I half expected a super killer paper and only being able to do less than half the paper. Not that I'll do super well for this, but I'm quite sure I should at least pass it.
The MCQ section was rather easy, I felt that it was just free marks to help us pass. Or perhaps I'm wrong? Who knows. The next question wants us to build Twitter use a database. Personally I think I make small mistakes in the SQL schema. And then I'm not too confident about my E-R diagram either, the participation one-to-many stuff I just anyhow write one.
And wtf I threw away total of 9 marks. 3 marks from the question that asks us to eliminate duplicated results. And the 6 mark killer question that asks us to find friends that are friends with all out friends. WTF kind of question is that? X_X
Today rest day for now. Tomorrow will be accounting revisions for Thursday. Haven't started at all. lol
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