© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Back to School

This post is sort of like my week in review. Since I didn't have time to post the individual days.

This week is more like the first week one school. Last week was only 1 day. Monday was a pretty long day, Stats lecture at 8am? Holy cow that was crazy. I had to wake up at 5am to make it for the lecture. As if that wasn't bad enough, it was raining when the lecture ended, AND I had to rush from UTown to I3 for the next lecture. Missed a bus because it was too full, so had to wait at the bus stop, with the wind blowing rain water on us. When the bus did come, I had to slowly make my way from bus stop onto bus. i.e. no shelter in between. Hence, whole body pretty wet, and messed up my hair. Drats. That why when I finally arrived, I told my friends I had to "walk through thunderstorms and tsunamis to get there". That totally took my determination and dedication to education, to a whole new level. At least, that's what it looks like. lol

You can tell my mood wouldn't be very good throughout the whole day.

Now that I got to the venue, let's talk about the lecturer. He is an India National, so I can't really blame him, but most people will anyway. When he talks, he starts out at a moderate to fast pace of talking. Then, as he gets more into it, and more passionate about what is he talking about, talking speed increases by twice the amount. Mix in the Indian accent and half the people are left clueless. I even had a friend who claimed that the lecturer was actually rapping!

It's fine for me though. I am use to the indian accent, having imitated them and poking fun at them countless times. Not to mention my project partner last sem was also an indian. So no problem for me! Plus it helps that I watched tons of Russell Peters. Haha. There was one time when Russell explained this phenomena. He says that the indian nationals sometimes forget that they are speaking english and not tamil. So, when they get excited they speed up their speech even more. Rofl, that would make a whole lot of sense.

No offense, my Indian friends. It's true.

So, yesterday was day 2. I woke up extra early to be at the Business Building to find the place. Turns out that was unnecessary, it's just right there on my usual way to computing. The lecturer was really funny yet interesting. The way he explain things, like giving a talk/seminar, with many useful and interesting examples. Very pro. The topic (Entrepreneurship Marketing), was also very much of interest to me. Had always wanted to start up my own business, but never really knew how. The knowledge would be useful even if I did end up failing the module. Though hopefully not.

The only problem was myself. Being not from Business Faculty, I didn't really know anyone there at all. And it doesn't help that I'm not the very social sort. Ended up keeping quiet most of the way. That wouldn't bode well for my class participation, or even group formation. Socializing is really tough for me. What feels natural to many, somehow feels unnatural to me, it just seems so hard. It's not that I don't wanna change, but not sure how. I would like to add a Chinese idiom here, "力不从心". To give a sense of how unnatural it feels, it's like a right-hander trying to write with his left hand. While not impossible, and there are many who are ambidextrous, it just feels unnatural and would take much training, seasoning, and determination. How is that natural?!

After TR2201, had to rush over to the CS2102 lecture. Our favorite frenchie, Prof Bressan. Now that I think about it, my friend was right. He did lose weight! Maybe he's been working out. lol. The lecture hall was totally filled to the brim. Like CS2100 last sem, there were even people sitting on the floor. The things people would do to get a lecture. Respect yo! Now, back to Bressan. WTF happened to him? Did he get hit on the head or something? It was like a 360 degree change. He actually told jokes in lecture and made people laugh!  Wait a minute, this is not the Bressan I know who puts people to sleep in lectures! The lecture was actually enjoyable to a certain extent.

I guess CS1231 is way too boring. Not much people can do to make it interesting.

So that was my week! Not really a whole lot of fun, and I don't really expect any in the near future. Work is about to pour in, and my team wants to start our projects early. I'll probably skip 8am lesson tomorrow and head for the Friday one again as there are no tutorials this week. Sian, after this is posted, I'm gonna head on to check IVLE, which is always a nightmare, and stress inducer. Until next time, my fellow Inperfex!

p.s. lol @ random name for my readers.

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