© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Thursday, 25 August 2011

0 hrs sleep

Chionging accounting assignments last night. Supposed to have slept a few hours, end up couldn't fall a sleep. Didn't manage to finish all the questions in the end as well. I feel like a total complete failure right now. I didn't know the SQL coding in the tutorial and had no clue what to do as well. I'm just so useless.

Lately I realised that I haven't really been able to pay attention to one thingy, without getting distracted or letting my mind wander. It's like I've kinda lost it. Lost the spark, fire, drive, whatever you wanna call it. Basically I don't really have any motivation right now. It's so different from last semester. I think last semester, I managed to pull through because I felt like I had something to prove. A need to prove myself, and to compete with somebody.

Right now I feel like a wandering stray cat. Meow~

No that there isn't hope. I've always believed that one day, something big or something good will happen to me. I'm just not certain I can wait any longer, or if I'll even live to see the day....

//end emo

//cue music

Can't wait for their 1st studio album. Seems to be taking rather long. They must be touring alot.

So today was my first Thursday of the semester. Boy did it turn out bad. Bus 95 from Borna Vista is super unreliable in the morning. Kena stuck in traffic jam. So I thought, 10-15 mins late at most. When I reached science, swee swee the bus D2 in front of my 95. By the time I get off, it's gone. End up half an hour late for stats lecture. Why do they even need to have it at Utown anyway!! D:

On a lighter note, I managed to sell 2 textbooks today! Yay monies! Sold off my CS1231 textbook to some Indian hockey player, and sold off my CS1010 textbook to some cute girl. Dratz, didn't get their name, hehe. Both of them are year 1 students. I haven't had any chance to mingle with the freshies this year, there are certainly alot of new faces in SOC this year. Perhaps they increase the intake? Or is SOC finally starting to be able to shed off it's geek image? It would be nice if one day Computing faculty doesn't seem any more geeky than Science faculty. I mean seriously let's face it, Science and Computer Science are all geeky stuff anyway. Live with it!

I also wanted to talk about one more thing I posted on my Tumblr:

The URL should be frightening enough. But go ahead and click it, I won't say what it is.

Today was my first accounting tutorial. The TA was late even though I was early, what a surprise! That place is so easy to go from I3, it's just outside the glass door! Anyway, the TA is super funny and entertaining, and very spontaneous. This can be a good thing, and a bad thing. She gave us each a piece of that thing (see link), and we had to put it on our already minuscule table. Then when talking or explaining, she will suddenly ask something or some concept, and pick a student's name and you need to answer.

I totally embarrassed myself today. She called me, and I was unable to answer. Just stunned there, coz I didn't know my stuff. I haven't read up on accounting yet. Correction, I haven't read up on anything yet. Totally not using the 3 day week to my advantage. Sigh. So anyway, back to the item. That is probably the most powerful thing she can unleash on us. 15% participation marks are on the line. Not to mention your pride is at stake.

And what the hell is wrong with these engineering people! My whole class is filled with them! There is like only one other Computing person there, and she is some PRC freshie. And Engineering people are all super hardcore. They actually actively participate in class, and WTF they know all the answers. They know their stuff man. Either they are too hardcore, or I am too chillax. The second option being quite possible, since I have no motivation right now...

Damn, I need to go to school tomorrow. Make up lecture for national day. And the business people don't seem too friendly to me. Or maybe it's just my imagination running wild again. Whatever, we are groupmates, so stick with it.

Looks like I'm back to sem 1 again. I mean year 1 sem 1. I need some motivation. I need some Element G...

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