© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Saturday 19 March 2011

Dewey? Or don't we?

Just the other day I was in the library looking for books, when I saw the code number for the books. Then I was thinking to myself, what's the name of that code number system? At that point I couldn't recall, but I was sure I learnt about it before. Not sure it's anymore useful that the signs posted on the side of the shelves though. The Dewey Decimal System. I doubt many people, let alone Singaporeans, know about it. I don't claim to know either, I may have heard of it before but that's about it. It's basically just a code system that organises books by category / topic.

I didn't even bother to search it up or think about it, until I was listening to MTGCast, a Magic related podcast, today. It was funny because a couple of the hosts came up with The Decimal Do-we system, which was used to rate...... other things. I won't elaborate any further, though you can go catch the episode if you're interested.

In other news, I just found out about the Graduate Employment Survey (details here), through Facebook. It's quite interesting. The typical pay for NUS students averages to about $3K, and among those who received higher salaries, Information Systems major is one of the top 3, at $3.7K. Not including Medicine and Law graduates of course... It's sad that I couldn't get into SMU though. Their salaries totally own everyone, and 100% employment! Maximum starting pay for Information Systems Management is $4K, and for those with Cum Laude and above (cum gong? no idea what that is), the maximum was $5K! I mean come on, $5K for starting salary? That's way more than what doctors get already!

Oh well, gotta be contented with what I got. Barely coping here already.

Finished up the Java Lab assignment this afternoon. Not sure if it's just me, but it seemed rather easy to me. The difficult part was trying to understand what exactly they wanted. Sometimes these lecturers can have such amazing language. Also, I wished they gave us everything in point form rather than prose form. It's hard enough to understand the language already, let alone with them telling long grandmother stories. Oh well, at least it's done already. Gotta revise got revise for next week's sit-in Lab. They still have not given us the last results AND the midterm results. Talk about hyper efficient... They are so inefficient, yet they want to talk about optimised and efficient algorithm. Ironic.

Oh, and I started using Internet Explorer 9 yesterday. It looks really cool, they finally cleared up all the extra buttons and the bar at the bottom, and over all reduced the number of buttons and all. It gives it a cleaner look, with the main viewing area increased by quite a bit. Looks even nicer with the transparent effect of Areo theme on vista / win7. Though I'll still be using Firefox as my main browser out of habit, but I do use Internet Explorer as well, just coz I've been using 2 browsers for different tasks.

Yeah well, that's all I got today. Don't forget to use your Decimal Do-we system guys! ;)

Epic emo song. 

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