© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Wednesday 16 February 2011

Walau... This time really die liao lar!

Spoiler: a large portion of this post will be me ranting about my project group. Don't read it if you can't be bothered to. lol.

Ok, to be honest I'm not the kind of person who likes bitching about things and stuff. But this time I feel damn sway sia. So, rewind back to last week, on my birthday no less. After that lousy meeting, we were asked to form groups to do our Business Proposal assignment. Being democratic Singapore, a vote was cast for choosing your own groups vs randomised grouping. And the former won by a landslide, which I should have known was a bad sign. So when we were supposed to form groups, the people beside me said: "eh, you all stay TH one ar? ok form one group". Oops, maxed out ler. Ok I turn around and look back. Just in time to see they had just formed their group as well. To my left, the PRCs had also formed up and ready. So........ that just leaves us, the bunch of 3 misfits, to form a group. -_-"

Dammit lor. I should have joined Yong Wei's group, they have the year 4 pro. Buay steady one, they never call me join. That guy seriously is super good lor, the year 4. We did peer evaluation for the Business Correspondence letter, and I was amazed with his work. Too bad they form group so fast. zzz.

It's not that my group is not super good. It is the fact that it is super bad! We spent the entire 2+ hrs just to come up with a product idea. When all the other groups were well into discussing their proposal. We weren't even done when the lesson ended! We finally settled on the idea I suggested, that took inspiration from SixthSense, to make a 3-D watch. I'm not even bragging. You know one of the fellas came up with? A long stick that you put in your mouth that reproduces flavour of food. I ask him how it works, he can't even describe. Like seriously? Let's not even get started on hygiene here... CS people obviously cannot think about ideas from a business standpoint. I keep trying to tell him politely that it's not very feasible, but he thinks it's damn good. >.<

And now we gotta submit an outline by this week, and the final one after recess. Seriously dunno how I gonna work with them. And the other fella is an Indonesian dude with terrible english. Half the time we can't understand him. Surprising that he is more bearable than the Singaporean geek. At least his ideas were workable. Siao liao lar, this one is 20% CA sia, so gonna kill me.

No choice, I gotta take the lead. Gotta slap these guys into shape, until they wake up their idea! Lol, I feel like some encik (Warrant Officer in SAF terms). Dammit sia mid-terms coming, they still gimme this kinda crap. Boh pian, suck thumb (another common army term =x). Just gotta suck it up and do it.


I'm done venting my frustration. If you actually read all that despite the warning upfront, I commend your effort. Either you are really dedicated to my blog, or you really got too much times on your hands. Whichever the case, thanks for reading.

K, music video time!

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