© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Action Plan: 23-Nov-2015

Alright alright, I'll fess up. I totally messed up last week. I didn't do my Action Plan at all, let alone get to go about doing my blogging. Truth is, I am literally up to the brim in terms of stress level. I am covering work for 2 people, and have tons of shit to settle. I mean it's a crappy excuse, but I was damn busy and stressed out. I did however, decide to fuck everything and just go for BOTH days of GameStart. Coz why not, I need to relieve stress and I have money to blow. Blog post on that soon! :)

Monday: Planning

Tuesday: Gym
Trying to whack shoulder exercises. Needed to buff up those Deltoids! 

Wednesday: BoC
I want to sign up for their new promo account. More on that in another post. 

Thursday: Japanese Lessons

Friday: AFA + SITEX
Hmm... I have a big meeting on Thursday. Thinking of taking leave on Friday to unwind. But the fucked up AFA scheduling is perplexing. They put all the cosplay events on Fri early noon. Seriously, how the fuck is anyone supposed to go for these?!  Still need to pony up $20+ for tickets. Wow, so snobby. Okay I try to juggle both on one day. From Suntec to EXPO fml. 

Saturday: AFA
AFA! But I don't think I will be buying tickets for Sat and Sun. Most prob just go there walk around the open areas. Take photo of cosplayers. Test out the new camera that I will be purchasing from SITEX. That's about it. 

Sunday: AFA
3 days in a row! OMG I dunno if my old body can still survive man. I will try to chiong and see how. I just really want to put my camera to good use. Will try to take as many pictures as I can. Will pretty much be dead by the end of the day. Hey if you are going AFA on any of days, gimme a msg! I will be around to say hi! :) 

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