Sunday, 10 June 2012
If I was your boyfriend
I hate bieber, and the original song. But somehow, I like this version by davedays!
He always puts a pop punk twist to the songs. And this one turned out quite nice!
So anyway, here I am blogging again. Actually I'm waiting for my Visual Studio to download, hence I am typing on a laggy Windows 8 installed via VMware. I literally have to wait for my text to appear after typing them. Doing too many things at once.
So here's a quick update / check-in about what I've been doing these days.
Basically been busy at work most of the time. My company is making me churn out a high volume of website templates at high speed. So all I've been seeing is HTML and CSS full-day everyday. Having went in with absolutely zero knowledge, I would say I'm rather proficient in CSS now. Not that they trained us very thoroughly, but I picked up a lot on my own. Turns out CSS3 is pretty awesome, and I'm barely even scraping the tip of the iceberg.
Now that I've learnt up a lot on CSS though, I'm hoping they move us on to work on the mobile apps soon. Coz that's my main interest, and the crucial goal I had for this holiday. Now that I've pretty much familiarized with HTML and CSS, the only thing left is Javascript. In fact, those 3 technologies are the main foundations of all modern web technologies.
I mean, web 2.0 is all about these open web standards, and making pages as interactive as possible right? Personally, I'm still trying to understand the phenomenon, and the trend in which the web is heading. If I'm not wrong though, every modern site is into Javascript or AJAX to be precise. AJAX being active javascript and XML. Using it means that users are not constantly redirected to new pages or having to spam the refresh button. For example, new Facebook posts just appear at the top of the page without needing you to always hit refresh.
Unfortunately, that is not what is taught in school, and not what my company is using. They are using JSP technology, which is familiar and easier for me to code coz Java is familiar. But it is kinda outdated leh. Hmm... Not completely outdated per se, it has it's uses still but not so useful if you want to go for the more intimate and interactive way of web development.
My suggestion with regards to the mobile app is to use Phonegap. It applies web standards to develop native-like apps, and is very suitable for making phone apps that work on almost every single brand and OS of smartphones. If they want to develop for iPad and other tablets though, that might be a little different. There are different requirements of a bigger screens, and I'm not sure I know how to design for that yet.
But I prefer working on Windows 8 rather than iPad leh, it is the cutting edge new stuff of the future and it is a great opportunity to jump in early. Got chance to earn money. lol
In any case, I will be heading to another Windows 8 training this coming weekend. Hopefully I will learn more from the workshop. After that, have to see how I can port stuff over to Phonegap or something already. Coz lady boss is expecting us to do an app that looks roughly Metro-Style-ish. She likes to swipe through the app.
Starting to feel a bit more stress, coz it seems like a lot of responsibilities is being placed on us. We get to propose our own platform, but also means we will have to deliver a finished product regardless of how long. Meaning to say.... it could eat into our semester! Normally I would be fine with that, but the effing 8MC is no joke leh!! Imagine develop an entire ERP system from scratch! Ouch!
But still...... I'm very interested in doing mobile apps. :P
Let's hope all goes well ya?
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