© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Sunday, 4 December 2011

Goodbye World

I guess you should know by now that I'll be heading off for my NS reservist training. If you didn't know, well, now you do. I'll be heading off for a full week of ICT (In-Camp Training). Don't miss me too much ya?  :P

This does create a small problem though. My ICT is from 5th-9th, but I need to do my Modules Preference Exercise (MPE) thingy between 5th-8th. Sooo.... Headaches for me. Have to try and find a way to get a computer with Internet there. Or maybe we can have nights out or stay out for the first night. Up to the OC (officer-in-command) to decide.

You know, aside from the aforementioned complications, I don't think I really hate it THAT much. Tough trainings aside, it's like a get-together holiday camp for old NS friends, sort of. My only problem is the cut-off from technology for one whole week. It's like poison, totally unbearable for Computing students! No computer, no Internet, no smartphone! Argh! I wish they just allowed us to bring camera phones. Then I can bring in my Galaxy S2. Then I would have Internet access, and loads of apps to keep me busy.

Oh well, I guess you can think of it like a camping trip that people in other countries do. They head out into the forest and pitch a tent there. Living in the wild with no technology as well. But Singapore no wild areas to go to, so we go to army camp. Woots... -_-"

Might as well be optimistic about it, gotta stick with this for the next 10-ish years? I think. Besides, with the exception of one guy, the rest of them are a bunch of nice guys I think, and everyone knows everyone. More importantly, I got at least 2 people to play Magic with. Hopefully that will be fun enough to keep me entertained.

I will miss you guys. Holidays are so lonely. :'(

This song is damn nice. The acoustic version really showcases the vocals.

Bye guys. Be back in a week.

// I shall ask after ICT

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