© Incomplete Perfexion
Created by Philson
Monday 19 September 2011


- this post was removed for being politically incorrect -

Ok, kidding. I didn't actually post anything. Thought of posting it since it is mainly what I learned today. Well, apart from networking stuff, but that's not important. That's all I'll say though. Don't want to be offending too many people. If you want a clue, go take a look at my latest Facebook post.
It wasn't said by me though, the source is an independent 3rd party, foreigner. But damn, the moment I heard it, it struck home. It is soooo true! It's really a matter of culture I guess. Sucks to be us.

That's all I have to say. Got it? No? Too bad :P

Ok lah. Whether you get it or not, don't be angry with me ok? I'll treat you to some nice food! Here, go have yourself a nice Burger King meal:

Just print it out, or save it to your phone to use it.

If you are still in school, you can go enjoy this at the Arts Canteen BK. There's nothing better than a late night BK. I can attest to that. Especially one that is hand carried and delivered fresh to you right? ;)

So go ahead, feast like a King!

/* I edited my FB settings with the new Lists feature. So the security and privacy settings are much higher now. If you get blocked for some reason, and really wanna see my updates, msg me. */

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